What is Zapier? An In-Depth Guide to Automation Made Easy

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What is Zapier? An In-Depth Guide to Automation Made Easy

Learn what Zapier is and how it simplifies workflows by automating tasks across 7,000+ apps, helping you save time and reduce costs.

By optimizing and automating key workflows throughout your business operations, you can improve communication across your teams and partners, stop distracting people with repetitive manual tasks, and increase productivity.

Zapier specializes in precisely this and in this article, we discuss how. You'll see examples of the kinds of efficiencies you can develop, get to understand the mechanics of how Zapier does its job, and see examples of its advanced features.

Also, we explore how you can save on time and costs as you build your tech stack with Vendr's SaaS procurement solutions, by analyzing which tools you should keep and which ones to rethink.


What is Zapier?

Zapier is an automation tool that helps you connect different apps to automate tasks without any coding. Zapier supports automations between 7,000+ apps, including Slack, Google Sheets, and Gmail. 

Zapier streamlines your workflows by connecting the tools and web applications you use on a daily basis to automate repetitive tasks. To set up these automations, you create "Zaps," which are automated workflows that link two or more apps together. 

Each Zap consists of a "Trigger" (an event that starts the automation) and one or more "Actions" (tasks that follow the trigger). 

For example, when you receive a new email in Gmail (Trigger), Zapier can automatically add the email details to a Google Sheet (Action). 

A visual overview of creating a Zap for automated personalized emails in Zapier.
Zapier allows you to explain in simple terms, without coding, what automation you'd like to set up. Then you can easily modify its proposed process. 

Key features of Zapier

  1. Zap templates: Pre-built and customizable workflows that help you get started quickly so you don't have to start automating from scratch.
  2. Multi-Step Zaps: These allow you to create complex workflows that involve multiple actions and steps.
  3. Filters and paths: Use filters to make sure your Zaps only run when certain conditions are met. Paths allow for branching logic, which will make your workflows more dynamic.
  4. Webhooks: Send or receive data from any service with webhooks, allowing for even more flexibility in your automated workflows.
  5. App integrations: Connect with over 3,000 apps, including CRM tools like Salesforce, project management tools like Trello, and email marketing services like Mailchimp.
  6. Customizable triggers and actions: Make Zapier your own by setting specific triggers that start a workflow and define actions that should follow.
  7. Real-time data transfer: Your automated tasks are executed in real-time, which ensures your workflows are always up-to-date.

What is Zapier typically used for?

Zapier is commonly used to set up a range of automations, from simple email workflows to complex multi-step processes involving multiple apps and data transfers. Freelancers, growing businesses, and large corporations all use Zapier to streamline communication, reduce human error, and enhance efficiency.

Let's look at some examples of how businesses automate their workflows and save time.

Use cases across industries

Marketing: Zapier can automate lead generation and follow-up processes. For example, you can create a Zap that captures new leads from Facebook Ads and automatically adds them to your CRM system, like HubSpot, while also sending a welcome email through Mailchimp. 

Finance: Zapier streamlines data entry and reporting. A Zap could automatically update Google Sheets with transaction data from accounting software like QuickBooks, with no human intervention required.

Healthcare: A Zap can sync patient appointments from Google Calendar to a healthcare management tool, making sure all appointments are tracked and managed efficiently, and that both patients and providers are always up to speed.

E-commerce: You can even use Zapier to automate order processing and inventory management. A Zap can keep your inventory levels updated in real-time by connecting your e-commerce platform, like Shopify, with your inventory management system.

Common tasks automated by Zapier

Businesses use Zapier to automate a variety of common tasks, for example:

  • Sending emails: Automatically send follow-up emails or notifications using Gmail or Mailchimp.
  • Updating CRM records: Keep your CRM, like Salesforce or HubSpot, up-to-date by automating data entry and updates.
  • Posting on social media: Schedule and post updates on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter automatically.
  • Project management: Create and assign tasks in project management tools like Trello or Asana when new projects or tasks are initiated.
  • Data backup: Automatically back up files and data to cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive.
  • Notifications: Send real-time alerts to Slack channels or other messaging apps when specific events occur, such as new leads or completed sales.

Zapier can also play a crucial role in streamlining procurement processes by automating tasks like vendor communication and contract updates.

How does Zapier work?

Let's look a little closer at how easy it is to set up your first Zap:

  1. Sign Up for a Zapier Account: First, you need to create a free Zapier account on their website.
  2. Create a New Zap: Click "Make a Zap" from the Zapier dashboard.
  3. Choose a Trigger App: Select an app that will start the workflow. For example, choose Gmail if you want an email to trigger the automation.
  4. Set Up the Trigger Event: Define the specific event that will trigger the Zap. For instance, you can set it to trigger when a new email arrives in your Gmail inbox.
  5. Choose an Action App: Select the app that will perform the action once the trigger event occurs. For example, choose Google Sheets if you want to add the email details to a spreadsheet.
  6. Set Up the Action Event: Define what action should be taken in the action app. For example, you can set it to create a new row in Google Sheets with the email details.
  7. Test Your Zap: Run a test to make sure Zap works properly. Zapier will simulate the trigger event and perform the action to confirm everything is set up properly.
  8. Turn on Your Zap: Once the test is successful, turn on your Zap. It will now run automatically whenever the trigger event occurs.


Build on your automations with advanced features

Once you get the hang of Zapier you'll inevitably start seeing more opportunities for more complex automations. With their advanced features, you can set these up:

  • Multi-step Zaps: With multi-step Zaps, you can string together several actions in a single workflow. For example, when you receive a new email, you can create a task in Trello, add a row in Google Sheets, and send a notification in Slack—all in one Zap.

  • Filters: Use filters to ensure your Zaps only run when certain conditions are met. For example, you can set a filter to only trigger a Zap when an email contains specific keywords.

  • Custom logic paths: Custom logic paths allow you to build workflows that branch out based on the conditions you set. This means you can have different actions depending on the data or trigger events.

  • Webhooks: Webhooks enable you to send and receive data from any service for more customized and flexible automations.

How Vendr helps companies get the best contract terms with Zapier

Vendr helps your business get the best deals on SaaS tools like Zapier through expert negotiation and deep market insights. Our skilled negotiators work on getting you the most favorable terms and guide you through the procurement process with confidence. 

We have established relationships with providers, which enables us to save you money without compromising on essential features. We also support you in managing your contracts to ensure you're completely compliant and not overpaying for platforms or features you don't need.

To learn about negotiation tactics, discount levers, and community experiences, see our Zapier Buyer Guide with expert insights into Zapier pricing.

Zapier can play a crucial role in SaaS procurement: Vendr explains

Just as Vendr can help you get the best deal with Zapier, Zapier can help with procurement processes as well, thanks to its automation capabilities.

Here's how Vendr and Zapier can help optimize your tech stack so it scales smoothly with custom workflows, and no underutilized software and subscriptions:

  • Analyze your tech stack: We assess your software needs and make new tools, like Zapier, integrate seamlessly with your business operations.
  • Eliminate redundant tools: We identify and remove software you're not using enough to avoid unnecessary costs and streamline your tech stack.
  • Boost productivity: We leverage Zapier’s automation to integrate new tools quickly, which means less disruption and more efficiency.

Build growth-centered workflows with Vendr’s webhooks integration

Excited to create your first Zap and optimize your workflows? We'll help you make sure you get the best deal on Zapier for your business, ensuring maximum value for your investment. By simplifying procurement and optimizing your tech stack, we make sure your SaaS tools work seamlessly without underutilized software.

Vendr’s webhooks integration connects procurement processes directly with automation workflows, building growth-centered workflows that scale with your business. 

Explore our SaaS procurement services to tap into your tech stack’s full potential and drive your business forward with efficient, growth-focused workflows.


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Published By
Vendr Team
Last Updated
August 22, 2024
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