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DeepCrawl Pricing

For businesses with a headcount of 200, DeepCrawl's pricing model typically falls between $14,500 and $28,800. For larger organizations reaching a headcount of 1,000, estimates range between $26,200 and $51,900. Firms with over 1,000 employees can anticipate a price range of $42,500 to $93,400 for DeepCrawl's services. These figures offer a guideline for setting budget expectations, though it's important to reach out directly for a tailored quote.

Comparatively, competitor pricing models can provide valuable context. For instance, SEMrush's offerings are aligned along comparable lines but with potentially lower costs depending on specific needs and usage requirements. Ultimately, the choice between DeepCrawl and other providers will hinge upon an organization's unique needs, financial means, and specific industry preferences.

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DeepCrawl Negotiation Insights

On the Vendr platform, you will uncover exclusive negotiation insights for DeepCrawl, including key discount levers and commercial terms.

Key Discount Lever

The term length presents a significant negotiation opportunity with DeepCrawl. Opting for longer commitments can often result in significant price reductions.

Commercial Item to Consider

Consider the impacts of license tiers. DeepCrawl's pricing model is tier-based, meaning different features and services are available at each level. Understanding your current and future requirements can help you choose the most cost-effective tier.

To get more discount levers and commercial strings to pull when negotiating your DeepCrawl contracts, sign up for a free forever Vendr account. You'll gain access to a trove of negotiation insights specific to DeepCrawl and its competitors like SEMrush and others.

Community Insights for DeepCrawl

Unfortunately, specific insights for DeepCrawl are not currently available in our community. However, we invite you to sign up for a free forever Vendr account to unlock a treasure trove of knowledge and insights from our extensive catalog. As a Vendr member, you'll gain access to valuable information, including the estimated time to implement DeepCrawl, what to expect during your renewal, and various discount strategies that could be a game-changer during negotiation processes. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your procurement strategy with Vendr's insights.

DeepCrawl Overview

DeepCrawl is a cutting-edge software solution designed to enhance the quality and performance of web code. As a technological innovator in its category, it aids engineering teams in producing high-quality code faster by identifying and addressing potential performance issues and security vulnerabilities.

Its primary focus is on quality assurance and optimisation, making it a valuable tool for teams aiming to fine-tune their development processes. Though its typical user base runs on a headcount closer to 200, DeepCrawl offers scalable solutions to meet the needs of various sized teams and organisations.

Please Note: DeepCrawl is now branded as Lumar.

Compliance and Security

In the realm of compliance and security, DeepCrawl exhibits strong adherence to key industry standards and regulations. It meets GDPR protocols and has SOC2 certification, reflecting a high level of commitment to maintaining secure development processes and data.

DeepCrawl incorporates MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) and SSO (Single Sign-On) capabilities. The addition of these features optimizes user login procedures while bolstering the protection of sensitive user information.

Moreover, DeepCrawl takes the protection of personal information seriously, adhering to PII (Personally Identifiable Information) requirements. In addition, the platform complies with DPA (Data Protection Act) regulations that govern the collection and usage of personal data, ensuring the safety and privacy of your information.

These factors combined certify a well-rounded approach to cybersecurity, providing users with the confidence needed to operate in a dynamic digital landscape.

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