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IRONSCALES offers a tiered pricing structure designed to accommodate organizations of various sizes. For a company with a headcount of 200, pricing ranges from $25,300 to $36,200 annually. As the headcount increases, the pricing scales accordingly, with a headcount of 1,000 falling between $39,200 and $56,800, and for those with a headcount of 1,001 or more, the range is $34,900 to $76,700. It's important to note that these figures are provided to give a general idea of the investment required for IRONSCALES' services.

For more insights, sign up for a free forever Vendr account to ensure the pricing plan is tailored to the unique needs and scale of their organization. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the most value from your investment in IRONSCALES' comprehensive email security solutions.

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IRONSCALES Negotiation Insights

When it comes to negotiating your IRONSCALES contract, it's essential to understand the unique value levers and commercial terms that can influence the final agreement. Here's a sneak peek at what you can expect inside the Vendr platform:

Discount Lever: Research and Compare

Before entering negotiations, arm yourself with knowledge. Research multiple SaaS providers and compare their offerings. Understanding the competitive landscape can provide you with significant leverage. For IRONSCALES, consider how its features stack up against competitors and use this information to discuss pricing options.

Commercial Term: Payment Terms

Negotiate payment terms that align with your organization's cash flow. With IRONSCALES, you might explore options like annual payments, which could lead to better pricing, or staggered payments that ease budgetary pressures.

For a comprehensive look at all the negotiation levers and commercial terms available for IRONSCALES, we invite you to sign up for a free forever Vendr account. Gain access to our full suite of negotiation insights and empower yourself with the knowledge to secure the best possible terms for your SaaS contracts.

Community Insights for IRONSCALES

Here are some recent insights shared by our community members on their experiences with IRONSCALES:

  1. "We were able to leverage budget restraints to get an additional 5% discount." - Community Insight was posted 3 months ago.

Learn more about how to navigate pricing discussions and secure the best possible terms by signing up for a free forever Vendr account. Also, you can gain additional insights such as the estimated time to implement IRONSCALES, what to expect for your renewal, and other discount levers that can be implemented if you're stuck during the negotiation process. There are more community insights available for IRONSCALES when you join our platform.


IRONSCALES is a cutting-edge email security platform designed to protect organizations from a myriad of threats that target email communication. With a focus on combating phishing attacks, IRONSCALES leverages artificial intelligence, machine learning, and collaborative detection to provide a multi-layered defense strategy. This approach ensures rapid response to new and evolving threats, safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining business continuity.

Compliance and Security

IRONSCALES takes compliance and security seriously, adhering to stringent standards to protect customer data. The platform is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and has achieved SOC2 certification, demonstrating a commitment to high levels of trust and security. To further enhance security measures, IRONSCALES incorporates Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities, providing users with robust access controls and simplified login processes.

In addition to these features, IRONSCALES is dedicated to the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and adheres to Data Processing Agreements (DPA) regulations. These commitments ensure that customer data is handled with the utmost care and in compliance with legal requirements, providing peace of mind for organizations navigating the complex landscape of data privacy.

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