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Community Insights for LawVu

Here are some recent insights shared by our community on procuring LawVu:

  1. "They increase prices by 3% YoY. We were unable to eliminate this uplift as we were unwilling to enter into a multi-year agreement, but this might be a viable route for other users." - Community Insight was posted 2 months ago.
  2. "We were able to remove the 90-day auto-renew clause, and bring down the price by signing a multi-year contract." - Community Insight was posted 3 months ago.

Learn more about how to navigate price increases and contract terms by signing up for a free forever Vendr account. With a free account, you can access a total of 2 community insights for LawVu, along with additional insights such as estimated time to implement LawVu, what to expect for your renewal, and other discount levers that can be implemented if you're stuck during the negotiation process.

Compare LawVu pricing vs. competitors

Avg Contract Value$60,385$52,031
Deals handled266
Unique Purchasers252
Avg Savings0.0%20.93%

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