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UserTesting Pricing

UserTesting offers pricing plans that are based on headcount, with pricing that ranges from $16,900 to $136,800. These plans encompass a spectrum of features and capabilities, with Ultimate being the most comprehensive offering, and Essentials serving as the entry-level offering. These pricing structures are designed to cater to the needs of both smaller teams and larger organizations, aiming to provide scalability and flexibility to all users.

Billing for the service is typically net annual 30, allowing organizations to manage their SaaS expenses more efficiently. Detailed usage reports offer insights on usage trends to help manage costs and avoid overages. Upgrades to higher-tier plans can be made at any time, granting more flexibility for organizations as their needs evolve over time. It's also worthwhile noting that UserTesting provides various pricing negotiation and customization options through discount levers, making the adoption of the platform more accessible for a wide range of budgets.

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UserTesting Negotiation Insights

The modern world demands fast and effective solutions. Recognizing this, UserTesting provides you with actual human responses to your digital interactions, thereby making real-time improvements a tangible reality for your projects. But how do you ensure you're getting the most out of your UserTesting purchase?

Here are some insights on negotiating your UserTesting contracts:

Discount Lever: Compare to Competitors

UserTesting operates in a competitive market space, consisting of PlaybookUX, TryMyUI, UserZoom, Userlytics, and dscout. Comparing UserTesting's offerings and pricing with these competitors can be an effective negotiation lever. You can leverage any competitive pricing or features to negotiate a better deal.

Commercial Item: Length of Contract

Typically, companies like UserTesting may provide flexibility in their pricing plans if you commit to a more extended contract duration. Hence, considering a long-term contract can provide you room for negotiation, leading to potential cost savings.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of negotiation levers, along with numerous other commercial items when dealing with UserTesting contracts, sign up for a free forever Vendr account. This will unlock the complete negotiation insights available for UserTesting. Providing you the critical tools and information you need to achieve the best outcome for your business.

Community Insights for UserTesting

Gathering insights from the SaaS community can be incredibly valuable when considering a tool like UserTesting. Here are the two most recent insights shared by our community members:

  1. "UserTesting will provide an itemized quote if you push for it. We secured an additional ~5.5% discount on a 12-month renewal by leveraging growth. We also obtained a 5% renewal price-cap by leveraging the timing of signature." - Community Insight was posted recently.
  2. "UserTesting is enforcing a 7% uplift. After several pushes, they were able to bring it down to 5%." - Community Insight was posted 2 months ago.

If you're looking for more detailed insights, such as the estimated time to implement UserTesting, what to expect for your renewal, and other discount levers that can be implemented if you're stuck during the negotiation process, we encourage you to sign up for a free forever Vendr account. With a free account, you'll gain access to a wealth of knowledge, including a total of 17 community insights available for UserTesting.

UserTesting Overview

UserTesting is a frontrunner in the user research category. It provides usability testing services, offering insightful videos of real users interacting with websites, applications, and prototypes. This unique approach can give businesses a deeper understanding of their users’ experiences, pain points, decision-making processes, and navigation preferences, fostering improvements in usability and customer experience.

UserTesting also exhibits a proactive approach to market dynamics, underlined by its acquisition of User Zoom, while making continuous enhancements to their product based on user feedback and market trends. As part of their commitment to customer experience, UserTesting provides support through implementation and offboarding stages.

This platform offers the flexibility of customizable pricing and adjustment options, taking into account factors like the number of users and specific features required.

Compliance and Security

On the compliance and security front, UserTesting is GDPR-compliant and has implemented multiple measures to assure the safety and security of user data. It also respects Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Data Protection Act (DPA) regulations, ensuring the ethical and lawful handling of user data in all its operations.

In terms of access management, UserTesting supports Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) and Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities. These features provide an additional layer of security, safeguarding user data by minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or breaches.

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