Prioritize the removal of automatic renewal terms in order to maintain flexibility during negotiations. This tactic can create leverage as it ensures your teams can review pricing and terms each year without being locked into unwanted conditions.
Negotiate the removal of proposed price uplifts upon renewal, especially if similar companies provide more favorable terms without uplifts. Emphasize your expected budget constraints and the current pricing scenario to leverage this negotiation.
Present competing offers from other suppliers that provide similar services at lower costs to push for better pricing. Highlight the urgency of the situation and your need to find a cost-effective solution for your organization.
Highlight that your organization is increasing usage significantly with Broadcom's solutions, which should warrant more competitive pricing. Use this increase as leverage to lower per-unit costs.
If negotiations are tight, consider asking for month-to-month terms or a short-term renewal to evaluate services further. This tactic can protect your interests while providing leverage for better pricing in the future.