By presenting competitive quotes as leverage in your negotiation, you can create a pressure point on Bynder to potentially lower their pricing or add value to your package. You might mention that other competitors are pricing their services lower for similar functionalities and that in order to proceed, you would need to evaluate these options seriously.
As you discuss the renewal, bring up overage fees that may have been incurred and leverage your growth and consistent usage to advocate for these fees being waived or reduced in the next contract cycle. Reference the original agreement to validate your position.
Make it clear to Bynder that your finance team requires all contracts to be non-auto-renewal in order to maintain favorable oversight during renewals. This helps you to keep the option open for evaluating new vendors in the marketplace without being forced into an automatic contractual obligation.
If your contract includes an uplift clause for renewal, negotiate to have this removed entirely. Push for documentation that shows a history of your user growth or consistent package usage. Highlight that, normally, partners reward growth with lower unit prices or stable pricing for existing services.
During the negotiation, emphasize that your team plans to increase usage and that you expect a corresponding reduction in per-user costs, based on economies of scale. Communicate clearly that an increase in users should lead to better unit costs as part of the overall negotiation process.
Offer to participate in case studies or testimonials in exchange for more favorable pricing. Bynder may value the marketing material gained from having a satisfied customer showcase their solutions, and you can leverage this to gain a better deal.