Presenting a competing offer can be a strong negotiating leverage. Mention that other suppliers are pricing their comparable offerings significantly lower, which puts pressure on CaliberMind to match or beat those prices. This tactic can be utilized effectively by showcasing the competing offers and reiterating the importance of cost to your finance department, making it clear that in order to proceed, better pricing must be secured.
Emphasize that an uplift is not acceptable given the current scope and usage and anchor the negotiation around the need to keep pricing flat despite growth. Highlight previous agreements which did not include uplifts and mention competitive options that can support your position for flat pricing.
Before negotiating, ensure to analyze and confirm the utilization of each product (e.g., 3M MAR, 3M MMAR, Attribution, Engagement). If significant underutilization is identified, leverage this to negotiate a better price, demonstrating that the current usage does not justify the proposed costs, and request recalibration of terms to reflect actual usage.
Communicate to CaliberMind that the finance team requires the removal of auto-renewal clauses as a condition for proceeding with the negotiation. By eliminating auto-renewals, you can retain flexibility and ensure that future negotiations are conducted on terms favorable to your company without being locked into a potentially costly agreement.
Offer to help CaliberMind with a case study or agree to act as a reference, but communicate that this should come with pricing concessions. Highlight how this added value can help them secure future business and how recognition as a valuable partner can translate into significant savings for your current agreement.