To leverage competitive pressure, gather and present quotes from alternative suppliers for similar functionalities. Highlight the benefits and features of Celonis, but stress that your finance team expects a competitive price to justify ongoing expenditure. Make sure to articulate that you prefer Celonis but have been prompted to consider alternatives due to pricing constraints.
Negotiate a removal of the uplift charge by anchoring on the budget allocated for the renewal. Emphasize that you're not expecting an uplift for the capabilities offered, and assert the expectation of stability in pricing as a requirement to proceed with the renewal.
During your negotiation, discuss overage fees associated with the 'Make Enterprise by Celonis Overage fee'. Propose that these fees be waived completely in exchange for a commitment to renewal and potential growth in usage.
Emphasize the necessity of removing any auto-renewal clauses to maintain flexibility in future dealings. Make this a requirement from your finance team to ensure continuous negotiation opportunities.
If you're planning an increase in users, leverage this growth potential in negotiations. Stress that the substantial scope increase, combined with your existing relationship with Celonis, should warrant a lower rate per user as economies of scale take effect.