Reiterate to Certero that you are evaluating several options, such as a competitor quoting a lower price for the same functionalities. Make it clear that if Certero cannot match or beat that price, you'll have to consider their alternatives. This sets the table for a stronger negotiation position, allowing you to leverage the competitive landscape to drive down costs or enhance the deal terms.
Communicate that your finance team demands contract terms without any automatic renewals due to the requirement for future flexibility. This tactic aims to alleviate pressure from Certero while ensuring that your negotiation leverage remains intact for future discussions.
Address the possibility of overage fees during renewal discussions. Make it clear that your expectation is to not incur additional costs due to exceeding limits. This tactic often leads to negotiating overage waivers, which can significantly reduce overall contract costs, especially when you have been proactive in managing your usage.
Propose your willingness to act as a case study or reference in exchange for pricing concessions. This can enhance your attractiveness as a client and provide leverage to negotiate better pricing or terms since it involves marketing value for Certero.
Negotiate the removal of the uplift clause, stating that you cannot accept any increases due to budget constraints and expectations from finance team. Highlighting that similar suppliers provide flat rate agreements for existing clients can enhance your position.
Express the need for shorter contract terms or month-to-month agreements due to uncertainties around ROI with Certero’s services. This creates a scenario where Certero may feel compelled to offer better pricing in order to secure your business for more extended periods in the future.