Introduce competition during your negotiations to leverage offers from other vendors as bargaining chips. Present a rival supplier's quote, emphasizing that while you're leaning towards, your budget constraints require exploring alternatives.
Negotiate to have the auto-renewal clause removed from your contract, emphasizing that your finance team now requires manual renewals. This can give you more control over future negotiations and budgeting.
Leverage the potential for a one-time discount by stating that your finance team is only able to approve the current price based on historical spending. If you're not presented with clear terms in the contract regarding the initial discount being one-time only, push to have it included for future periods.
Although not directly related to security, push for better pricing on essential features, indicating that other competitors provide similar functionalities without additional costs. This pressure can help in reducing costs without sacrificing capabilities.
Negotiate to eliminate or reduce any proposed uplift during your renewal, particularly since your usage levels have remained consistent. Position this as a requirement from your finance team based on their current budget constraints.
Offer to act as a reference or participate in a case study in exchange for a more favorable contract rate. Highlight that this is a valuable marketing opportunity for, which should be met with pricing concessions.