Presenting competition as an alternative can lead to significant leverage in negotiations. If another provider has offered a lower price for similar functionality, mention this to the current supplier to push for a better deal. Clearly state that your organization prefers Dragon Dictate, but budget constraints tied to rival quotes necessitate reconsideration of terms.
Negotiating to remove auto-renewal clauses provides flexibility and enhances your ability to renegotiate better terms in the future. Make it clear that your finance team has mandated the removal of auto-renewal from new purchases to ensure that the organization retains control over contracts. This can help prevent unexpected price increases.
If Dragon Dictate introduces new features with heightened security requirements, leverage this as a discussion point to negotiate for a reduced rate. Cite examples of competitors that offer similar features at no additional cost, making a case that any upgrades shouldn't necessitate increased pricing due to potential down-the-line cost advantages.
Offering to participate in a case study or act as a reference can be a valuable 'give' that you can leverage for a better pricing deal. This involvement can provide marketing value to the supplier, and thus warrant discounts or more favorable terms.
Pushing back against any proposed uplifts can lead to better cost management. Argue that as your usage remains constant or decreases, there should be no increase in costs. Make it clear to the supplier that your budget does not account for any increases this cycle.