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$13,200$158,752per year
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EnterpriseDB, a privately held company based in Massachusetts, provides software and services based on the open-source database PostgreSQL, and is one of the largest contributors to Postgres.


How much does EDB cost?

Median buyer pays
per year
Based on data from 9 purchases.
Median: $13,500
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About EDB

EDB Overview

EnterpriseDB, a privately held company based in Massachusetts, provides software and services based on the open-source database PostgreSQL, and is one of the largest contributors to Postgres.

EDB's 1 Product

EDB Postgres Advanced Server logo
EDB Postgres Advanced Server

EnterpriseDB, a privately held company based in Massachusetts, provides software and services based on the open-source database PostgreSQL, and is one of the largest contributors to Postgres.

Vendr community insights for EDB

Company with 201-1000 employeesThis quarter
"EDB wanted to increase prices by 10% upon renewal, but we were able to waive this increase by signing more than 60 days in advance of our renewal date. "
Company with 201-1000 employeesA while ago
"No change in price for 2023/2024. "

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