Introducing competition in your negotiation discussions can lead to better pricing or terms. Let Emerge Tools know that other vendors have provided lower quotes for similar functionalities. Emphasize that your budget constraints necessitate exploring competitive options, thereby creating a sense of urgency to meet your pricing needs.
When discussing the renewal, bring up any overage fees and express your desire to have these waived, particularly if they stem from a misunderstanding or unexpected growth in usage. Reference your usage patterns and request flexibility in the charging structure, particularly if you are considering increasing your overall usage or license count.
In negotiations, communicate that you need to have the auto-renewal clause removed before moving forward. Present this requirement as a necessary step for compliance with your internal financial governance processes, thus aiding in maintaining negotiation leverage.
If you plan to increase the number of licenses or tool usage, this can be an advantageous point for negotiation. Stress that, in light of this growth, you expect better pricing to reflect the economies of scale, which will also assure Emerge Tools of your commitment to their services.
During your negotiations, challenge any proposed uplift percentages that exceed what you budgeted for. Emphasize that past agreements did not include such increases and advocate for either a freeze on this uplift or a commitment to a flat renewal price.