By presenting competitive offers as alternatives, you significantly enhance your negotiating power. Be transparent in communicating that another reputable competitor has quoted a lower price or better terms. This tactic puts pressure on env0 to re-evaluate their pricing and potentially provide additional concessions to retain your business. Make clear that while you prefer env0 for its unique offerings, finance mandates that you consider alternatives based on cost.
Emphasize the growth your organization is expecting and the required economies of scale to leverage lower rates. By clearly communicating that your expanding user base will lead to increased usage, you can negotiate a more favorable pricing structure that reflects this growth, thereby securing a lower price per user for the software.
You can leverage any mandatory security features as negotiation points, especially if these enhancements come at a premium. Make it clear that the necessary security additions could present budget constraints, and that you expect adjustments to the offered pricing if such features are considered essential.
Communicate your need to have the auto-renew clause removed in order to maintain control over future negotiations. This requirement is often seen as a move that allows for periodic reassessment of value before committing to another renewal term, creating a sense of urgency for env0 to present attractive offers upfront to ensure your return.
Document and present any product-related issues or service disruptions you've faced during your usage of env0. Highlighting these concerns during negotiation can be a persuasive argument for seeking additional discounts, as it positions you as having added risk or pain points that should be compensated for.