Utilize your knowledge of competing products as leverage in negotiations. By mentioning that other suppliers offer similar functionalities at lower prices, you can press for better terms or discounts from Escapia. This tactic creates a sense of urgency for the supplier to provide a more attractive offer in order to win your business.
If you anticipate a company-wide reduction in the number of properties managed or usage, this tactic can be beneficial. Clearly communicate that the proposed rate increase is unacceptable considering the scope has decreased. This could encourage the vendor to offer a better rate or reward you for your reduced commitment.
Push back firmly on any proposed uplift for renewal, especially if it wasn't articulated in prior agreements. Make it clear that your finance team did not budget for an increase and that you expect rates to remain flat to maintain a long-term partnership.
If you are planning to increase the number of properties managed using Escapia, leverage this growth during negotiations. Stress that your growing portfolio should warrant lower rates per property due to economies of scale.
Offer to serve as a reference or participate in case studies for Escapia, provided they can meet your pricing and terms expectations. This positioning allows you to improve your contract by providing the vendor with a marketing opportunity in exchange for better pricing.