Introduce competition as a significant lever in your negotiations with Everbridge. Inform the sales team that you are evaluating alternatives and that one competitor has offered a quote lower than their current pricing. This tactic creates urgency and pressure for the vendor to lower their prices or add value to retain your business.
Negotiate to have the auto-renewal clause removed to ensure you maintain flexibility in future negotiations. Communicate to Everbridge that this is a requirement from your finance team to ensure your company can reevaluate the service each year without the risk of automatic renewals.
Push for a one-time discount to lower the initial costs of the Everbridge CEM platform. If the vendor proposes a discount only applicable for the first year, clarify that it should not be stipulated as a one-time offer but rather a basis for your continuing partnership.
Offer to act as a reference or participate in a case study in exchange for better pricing. Leverage the importance of mutual success in your negotiations, suggesting that your endorsement will help Everbridge attract more clients.
Address any concerns around pricing by implementing cost reduction strategies, particularly if you notice your usage has stabilized or decreased. Make it clear that your budget constraints require time to adjust and any cost increases may need to be offset with reductions.