Introduce competition by sharing quotes from alternative suppliers that provide similar functionalities. This tactic emphasizes the need for competitive pricing and can significantly reduce your costs. Let the supplier know about the better offers you have received from their competitors, which can motivate them to meet your budgetary requirements.
Challenge the proposed uplift by stressing your organization’s strict budget constraints. Highlight that unexpected increases in costs are not acceptable, especially when you have experienced underutilization of the service. Make it clear that you expect no uplift and possibly even a reduction if you're expanding your usage.
Stress the need to eliminate auto-renewal clauses in the contract, as your finance or legal teams now require this as a new standard. This tactic can dramatically increase your negotiation power in future discussions about costs and terms.
Offer to participate in a marketing case study or act as a reference for Everbridge in return for better pricing or terms. This provides them with valuable exposure while assisting you in negotiating a more favorable agreement.
Negotiate for a one-time discount during this purchase. Argue that the lack of budget requires you to maximize current spending efficiency and that the discount should apply moving forward, not just as a one-off.