Presenting competition as an alternative has proven to yield significant outcomes in negotiations. Emphasize that you have explored the offerings of other suppliers, and if does not meet your financial requirements, you may need to pivot to a competitor. This will encourage the vendor to offer a better deal rather than lose your business.
Make sure to leverage existing pricing models to ensure that understands any alterations in pricing models must benefit you. Resetting expectations regarding previous prices is crucial, stating that you expect to maintain cost levels from prior agreements, even with structural changes in pricing.
Removing auto-renewal terms provides you with leverage during negotiations. Stress the importance of maintaining negotiation power for the next renewal cycle and indicate that automatic renewals are against company policy going forward, especially with new suppliers.
Review how effectively your organization utilizes's services. Validate the current contract's justification based on actual use. This can also reveal underutilization that can be referenced to negotiate better terms or pricing.
Use the absence of terms for a one-time discount as leverage during negotiation, suggesting that the financial commitment has been planned for a flat renewal and pushing for better pricing based on this factor.