Introduce other alternatives available in the market and their pricing to negotiate a better deal with Inform the supplier about competitive products that offer similar functionalities at lower rates, emphasizing that finance has set tight budget constraints.
Negotiate to remove any expected uplift in pricing during your renewal process. Emphasize that your budget only allows for flat renewals without increases, particularly since your needs and usage may not justify increased costs.
Discuss the potential of waiving overage fees during the negotiation. If there have been any overages in the past, leverage this into the negotiation to elicit flexibility and ensure you won't be penalized for high usage as you scale.
Request that the contract does not include automatic renewal clauses. Indicate that this is a necessary requirement from your finance team to maintain future flexibility in vendor relationships.
Offer to participate as a reference or in a case study in exchange for better terms and pricing. Highlight that your endorsement can provide marketing value for, creating a mutually beneficial scenario.