Presenting competitive quotes can serve as a powerful negotiation tool. Notify Hex that competitors have provided lower quotes for similar functionality. This communicates to Hex that while you value their service, your finance team mandates an assessment of alternatives due to cost differences. This tactic can lead Hex to have an increased incentive to reduce their pricing or offer additional features.
Discussing the anticipated uplift can lead to cost reduction opportunities. Indicate to Hex that you were not expecting an increase in costs due to budget constraints. Reference any previous agreements that did not include mention of an uplift, making it clear that your finance team is focused on maintaining a stable budget. The objective here is to negotiate for uplift removal or minimal increases.
If you plan to increase your number of users, leverage this fact in your negotiation with Hex. Emphasize that your growth trajectory should be met with pricing that reflects scaling economies. This tactic can pressure Hex to enhance their offer in exchange for the increased commitment, leading you to a better deal.
Request to eliminate auto-renewal in your contract negotiation to ensure flexibility and leverage during future negotiations. This can help keep the dialogue open and avoid being locked into unfavorable terms without your approval.
Understanding and presenting your current usage—ensuring it aligns with what is contracted for—can provide leverage in negotiation. Request detailed usage reports from Hex and validate them against your internal insights. If you identify underutilized services, advocate for an adjustment in the contract reflecting actual usage.