Leverage competitive quotes and present them during negotiations. Let Hex Technologies know you have alternatives quoting lower prices for similar functionalities, emphasizing that finance has instructed you to reach certain price points to continue with them.
Address any overage fees during negotiations. Highlight that growth or increased usage should be rewarded and articulate that your organization expects consideration of underutilized licenses and services, looking for these fees to be waived or substantially reduced.
If your contract involves adding new author seats or expanding the use of the Hex platform, communicate that the growth in usage warrants lower rates due to economies of scale. Leverage the argument that your finance team insists on rate reductions when adding significant users.
If there is a need for security features that may add to the cost, communicate that many competitors offer similar functionalities at no additional premium. Highlight the need for certain features while maintaining the budget constraints your finance team expects.
Negotiating the removal of auto-renewal clauses can help ensure you lock in your options for future negotiations. Communicate to Hex that there is a requirement from your finance team to not proceed with any agreements containing auto-renewal, as it limits future negotiation power.