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$108,090$108,090per year
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Humaans is an HRIS employee management software that provides an employee database, people directory, document storage, absence tracking, workflow builder, data analytics, reports, payroll summary, tables, integrations, mobile access, and timesheets. It is designed for both small companies and larger businesses with complex needs.


About Humaans

Humaans Overview

Humaans is an HRIS employee management software that provides an employee database, people directory, document storage, absence tracking, workflow builder, data analytics, reports, payroll summary, tables, integrations, mobile access, and timesheets. It is designed for both small companies and larger businesses with complex needs.

Humaans's 1 Product

Humaans logo

Humaans is an HRIS employee management software that provides an employee database, people directory, document storage, absence tracking, workflow builder, data analytics, reports, payroll summary, tables, integrations, mobile access, and timesheets. It is designed for both small companies and larger businesses with complex needs.

Vendr community insights for Humaans

Company with 201-1000 employeesThis year
"They were willing to offer 20% on a 2 year deal, as well as 100% off our DE&I Add on, and 50% off DE&I in Year 2. "

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