Presenting alternative solutions during negotiations can significantly improve your leverage. Make sure to communicate that other suppliers have quoted lower prices for similar functionalities, as this establishes a competitive environment for your negotiations. If you have gathered competing bids from suppliers, mention the details to the Infor representatives to justify your pricing requests.
If you have concerns regarding product performance or require flexibility, emphasize the need for shorter commitment terms or month-to-month arrangements. This tactic demonstrates caution and could encourage Infor to provide more favorable pricing as they sense the risk of losing your business.
Engage Infor in discussions about removing any proposed pricing uplift. You can argue that stable or decreasing usage should not incur cost increases, particularly if you're planning a long-term partnership. Use past contracts as leverage to negotiate a lower price for the renewal.
Negotiate for the removal of auto-renewal clauses in your contract. Such clauses can diminish your negotiating power for future terms. Make it clear to Infor that this is a requirement from your finance team to ensure that you maintain flexibility.
Highlight any historical discounts you received that were not noted as 'one-time' discounts. Push for these discounts to be applicable for the current renewal term, using the lack of clarification on the original deal to your advantage.