Presenting competition as an alternative has shown strong success in reducing costs. Ensure you communicate to Kofax that you are evaluating other vendors who have offered better deals. Highlight specific competitor names and the percentage discount offered. This tactic can help you secure better terms or price reductions.
If you can, emphasize that multi-year contracts are rare within your organization and that your finance team is focused on single-year agreements. This can help you secure a more favorable pricing structure for the initial deal.
If your contract involves onboarding a large number of users, communicate that you expect economies of scale that reduce costs as your user base grows. Ask for tiered pricing that reflects this growth.
Request to negotiate for waiving any overage fees based on expected growth in usage. Present your forecast of increased usage, explaining that this growth should reward you with better terms as you expand.
Communicate to Kofax that the ROI has not met expectations, which will lead you to seek month-to-month or shorter-term agreements. This tactic can foster flexibility and could help you negotiate a lower rate for an initial term.
Communicate the requirement from your finance team for any contract to remove auto-renewal language. This can provide the necessary leverage for negotiation and ensure you have the ability to renegotiate terms.