Presenting competition as a viable alternative can significantly strengthen your negotiating position. By informing Krisp that other suppliers have offered competitive pricing, you can pressure them to match or improve upon these offers, especially if those alternatives also meet your needs or have existing integrations with your organization's tools. This leverages the idea that your business might consider other options if Krisp cannot meet the financial expectations set by your CFO.
Request to waive any overage fees during the negotiation process. Ensure to mention the original agreement and emphasize your growth and increased utility of their service should warrant consideration for waived fees. This can be particularly effective if Krisp has identified you as a valuable customer contributing significantly to their revenues.
If Krisp proposes a significant rate increase upon renewal, emphasize the need to downscope to avoid paying for unused features or services. This tactic allows you to reframe the increase as unacceptable, particularly if your usage or demand has decreased, combined with showcasing your budget limitations.
During contract negotiations, insist on removing any uplift fees if they are not clearly justified. Assert that the lack of clarity in uplift provisions should lead to more favorable terms. Use other vendors’ practices and levels of service to back up your request for consistent pricing, especially if your utilization of their services has been stable or growing.
Removing auto-renewal clauses can preserve your leverage for future negotiations and prevent unwanted obligations. By emphasizing the need for flexibility in contract renewals to assess performance and fit before committing again, you signal to Krisp the importance of meeting your satisfaction before a further financial commitment is made and allows for consideration of alternative providers.