By presenting competition during negotiations, you can leverage better pricing and terms. Make sure to stress that your team is evaluating other options and that the current pricing from Kubecost doesn’t fit your budget compared to competitors. This approach can create urgency and highlight the need for a better offer.
Emphasizing the removal of auto-renewal terms is a valuable tactic for maintaining negotiation flexibility. You can communicate that your finance team insists on avoiding auto-renewal clauses to ensure ongoing review of pricing and terms, allowing for better leverage during future negotiations.
Leverage your internal requirements for security features during negotiations to secure price discounts or waive additional costs. Highlight that many competitors are providing similar functionalities without premium prices and stress the importance of getting these features included in the price.
By addressing any planned uplift in pricing, you can negotiate for its removal to align the renewal costs with budget expectations. Gather data to justify retaining current pricing levels despite any proposed increases, highlighting your previous vendor relationships or market benchmarks.
Emphasizing the requirement of economies of scale with large growth can help you negotiate for significantly lower rates. Position the price conversation around your expected growth in users, suggesting that this growth warrants a more favorable pricing structure.