Introduce competitive offerings to exert pressure on the current supplier to match or improve on pricing. This tactic is very effective if you have a quote from a competitor that is lower than what Kubecost is offering. Presenting this reference while highlighting why you prefer Kubecost can lead to substantial savings.
While considering a long-term commitment, communicate that multi-year contracts are rare for your organization and emphasize the need for significant discounts in exchange for such a commitment. This tactic can motivate Kubecost to offer a more competitive price for a longer-term commitment.
Utilize your current spending data and project budget constraints to negotiate for lower costs if your usage needs are not increasing. Make it clear that maintaining current costs is essential for your team to continue using their service.
If the Kubecost contract proposes an uplift, challenge this by emphasizing your expectation for stable pricing due to your usage levels. Advocate for the removal of uplift clauses based on industry practices or previous agreements that did not include uplifts.
Communicate that it is a requirement for your finance department to avoid auto-renewal clauses in any agreements. This gives you more flexibility and negotiating power in future discussions, ensuring you are not locked into a term without reassessing.