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$17,900$66,420per year
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MineOS is recognized as the most cost-effective data governance platform for managing privacy, security, and compliance.


How much does MineOS cost?

Median buyer pays
per year
Based on data from 5 purchases.
Median: $60,300
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About MineOS

MineOS Overview

MineOS is recognized as the most cost-effective data governance platform for managing privacy, security, and compliance.

MineOS's 1 Product

MineOS Data Mapping logo
MineOS Data Mapping

Gain full visibility over your ever-changing data ecosystem and automatically govern the who, what, where, and how of data usage.

Vendr community insights for MineOS

Company with 201-1000 employeesThis quarter
"We had a "one time discount" and were able to keep that discount, and remove the verbiage so future renewals will keep the discount. "

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