Presenting competitive quotes as a means of leverage often leads to favorable pricing and terms. By convincing the current supplier that you are considering alternatives, you can create urgency and drive a better deal.
If forcefully reconsidering multi-year contracts, emphasize that such commitments are rarely given and require significant price discounts. Highlight financial constraints and stress that sticking to yearly contracts is a preference, but allow room for negotiation if necessary.
Proposing to act as a reference or collaborate on a case study can provide added value to the supplier while demanding a discount. This tactic signifies you are invested in a long-term relationship but that the financial terms must align with your budget.
Negotiating pricing based on your actual usage rather than fixed tiers can safeguard against overpayment for unused features. This requires a thorough analysis of your anticipated use and can offer leverage for more favorable pricing.
Ensuring that your anticipated usage reflects what you require can provide leverage to negotiate a better deal. Request reports of total and active usage to validate expectations, and prepare to negotiate based on any underutilization.