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$6,480$33,600per year
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Backed by industry-leading data and the largest community of SEOs on the planet, Moz builds tools that make inbound marketing easy. Start your free trial today!


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Median buyer pays
per year
Based on data from 5 purchases.
Median: $7,200

About Moz

Moz Overview

Backed by industry-leading data and the largest community of SEOs on the planet, Moz builds tools that make inbound marketing easy. Start your free trial today!

Moz's 4 Products

Followerwonk logo

Followerwonk uses analytics to help you explore and grow your social graph. Get started for free:

Moz Local logo
Moz Local

Backed by the largest community of SEOs on the planet, Moz builds tools that make SEO, inbound marketing, link building, and content marketing easy. Start your free 30-day trial today!

Moz Pro logo
Moz Pro

Backed by the largest community of SEOs on the planet, Moz builds tools that make SEO, inbound marketing, link building, and content marketing easy. Start your free 30-day trial today!

STAT Search Analytics logo
STAT Search Analytics

SERP tracking and analytics for SEO experts, STAT helps you stay competitive and agile with fresh insights.

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Median Contract Value$7,200$8,560

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