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NeoGrid is a comprehensive business management solution that offers end-to-end services for your company. It provides data intelligence, digital trade marketing, ecommerce traffic direction, supply chain planning, strategic purchasing, retail execution, and facilitates collaboration between retail and industry.


About NeoGrid

NeoGrid Overview

NeoGrid is a comprehensive business management solution that offers end-to-end services for your company. It provides data intelligence, digital trade marketing, ecommerce traffic direction, supply chain planning, strategic purchasing, retail execution, and facilitates collaboration between retail and industry.

NeoGrid's 1 Product

NeoGrid Supply Chain Integration logo
NeoGrid Supply Chain Integration

Seven Reasons to Engage: 1) GLOBAL Reach... Created for the CLOUD 2) ONE Platform... MANY Relationships 3) SUPPORTED Scalability to GROW Your Projects 4) SYNCHRONIZATION Down to the STORE SHELVES 5) Beyond Reporting... Intelligence AND Action ...

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