Presenting competing quotes can significantly enhance your bargaining position. Utilize this tactic by informing Nosto that other providers are offering similar functionality at a lower price. This can create urgency for Nosto to provide you with a competitive rate or additional value adds, leveraging your finance team's restriction on renewal costs.
Emphasizing the need to remove auto-renewal clauses can enhance negotiation leverage, particularly for new clients. Explain that your finance team requires assurance to explore other options before committing and that your company will only proceed with terms that allow for manual renewal.
When expecting growth in user numbers, emphasize the need for economies of scale, asking for lower per-user rates as a condition of increasing your contract size. This willingness to expand usage can lead to better overall pricing.
Position your budget firmly against the proposed uplift percentage. Demand that the elevation be omitted entirely, anchoring your discussions around previous agreements that did not include uplifts, especially if there is lack of transparency regarding changes to contract terms.
Leverage your commitment to act as a reference or participate in case studies in exchange for favorable pricing terms. This not only represents a give that strengthens your negotiation stance but can also yield discounts reflective of the partnership's mutual benefits.