Introduce competition by highlighting that another supplier has provided a better quote for comparable services. By presenting these alternatives, you put pressure on Nosto Solutions to match or improve their offer to retain your business. This tactic emphasizes the importance of pricing in your decision-making process.
Request the removal of any proposed uplift on renewal contracts. Use your budget constraints as leverage by stating that your financial department did not anticipate an uplift, and for significant growth, partners typically provide flat pricing. This tactic can help secure a more favorable renewal rate.
Negotiate to waive overage fees associated with your renewal or upgrade negotiation. If overages are expected due to increased usage, highlight how this presents an opportunity for them to offer better terms, which could include waiving these fees to facilitate continued partnership.
Challenge the notion that discounts are one-time only by referencing previous agreements and asserting that the pricing should reflect a continuation of the service relationship. This creates a possibility for negotiations around maintaining discounts over multiple terms.
Offer to act as a reference or participate in a case study in exchange for more favorable pricing. Highlighting that this adds value to Nosto Solutions while also positioning your business as a promotional partner can create leverage in negotiations.