Presenting alternatives from competitors during negotiations can provide powerful leverage. Ensure you communicate that you are actively evaluating other vendors’ offerings and that their pricing and features are critically compared against Precoro. Emphasize that another vendor has quoted a lower price that meets your functionality needs.
A very effective tactic when negotiating with SaaS providers is to request the removal of any auto-renewal clauses. This can be especially potent if your internal processes require full transparency and negotiation opportunities prior to any renewal. It adds a level of security around your procurement that finance will likely appreciate.
If your organization previously had substantial volume discounts and is facing a renewal with an uplift, negotiate with the supplier for a reduction in the uplift percentage. Share that your budget planning does not accommodate the proposed uplift, and stress that stable usage should come with stable pricing.
Proposing to act as a reference or participate in a case study can also be beneficial. Let the vendor know that you value their services and are happy to showcase your positive experiences, contingent on reaching a pricing arrangement that reflects the mutual benefits of this relationship.