Presenting competition as a viable alternative increases your leverage during negotiations. Communicate the competitor's offerings and proposed lower pricing to press for concessions from Prevalent. Highlight specific functionality and features that are offered at a lower price point to accentuate your requirement for meeting budget constraints.
If overage fees come into play, stress the importance of the existing terms from your original agreement and how most vendors negotiate these fees. Use your historical usage data to argue for waiving or reducing these fees to stay within budget.
By emphasizing expected growth and the need for scalable pricing as you increase usage, you can negotiate better rates. Suggest that with your planned expansion, you expect the per-user cost to decrease, leveraging the promise of long-term partnership.
If you have concerns regarding the ROI of Prevalent's platform, advocate for a shorter-term contract or month-to-month options to reduce risk while you evaluate the solution. This often persuades vendors to offer more competitive pricing to secure commitment.
If there is a push on Prevalent's side to upgrade that you don't believe is necessary, leverage budget constraints while discussing the additional security features you expect. If many competitors include these features without additional cost, recommend the same for your renewal.