Given that you are considering Prevalent and its competitors in the market, you should leverage competitive offerings to indicate the potential for churn if pricing does not meet expectations. Present the comparative cost differences and emphasize any additional value that competitors provide. This tactic can create urgency for Prevalent to match or lower their pricing to maintain your business.
If there have been any product-related issues or concerns with Prevalent, you can use those as leverage in your negotiations. Highlight past frustrations and emphasize that these pain points must be addressed with compensatory price reductions to justify the cost of renewal. By doing so, you can frame your ask around the need for a discount based on your experiences and the importance of rectifying those issues.
Since Prevalent may impose an uplift on renewal, push back on this by requesting that the uplift be removed entirely. You can base your argument on the need for stable pricing for your vendor management program as you scale. By establishing a precedent for flat pricing, you can negotiate to eliminate any planned increase, particularly if usage remains stable or decreases.
To gain more control over the renewal process, you can negotiate to remove any auto-renewal clauses in the contract. This request should stem from your need for flexibility and control, ensuring you can re-evaluate your vendor choices closer to the expiration of the contract. Highlight your need to maintain negotiation leverage and not be locked into an unwanted agreement.
If there are additional upgrades or features Prevalent is pushing, assess whether these are genuinely necessary for your operation or if they can be included without additional costs. If any upgrades pertain to security compliance, justify that these should be included at no additional expense as other suppliers typically bundle such features within their offerings without an added burden.