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ProfitWell provides subscription and SaaS metrics that are 100% accurate and absolutely free. Sign up takes 1-click, giving you access to your monthly recurring revenue, churn, lifetime value, and all of your other necessary subscription financial metrics. Integrates with Stripe, Braintree, Zuora and others with the ProfitWell API.


About ProfitWell

ProfitWell Overview

ProfitWell provides subscription and SaaS metrics that are 100% accurate and absolutely free. Sign up takes 1-click, giving you access to your monthly recurring revenue, churn, lifetime value, and all of your other necessary subscription financial metrics. Integrates with Stripe, Braintree, Zuora and others with the ProfitWell API.

ProfitWell's 3 Products

Price Intelligently logo
Price Intelligently

Price Intelligently is a value based pricing strategy platform that helps subscription and SaaS companies get their pricing strategy right with data.

Profit Well Retain logo
Profit Well Retain

ProfitWell subscription software helps you achieve faster recurring revenue growth. Pricing and retention solutions designed for subscription and SaaS products.

ProfitWell logo

ProfitWell provides subscription and SaaS metrics that are 100% accurate and absolutely free. Sign up takes 1-click, giving you access to your monthly recurring revenue, churn, lifetime value, and all of your other necessary subscription financial metrics. Integrates with Stripe, Braintree, Zuora and others with the ProfitWell API.

Security and compliance

DPA available
SOC2 attestation
Annual penetration tests

About Vendr

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