When evaluating Sastrify, emphasize any competing solutions offering lower pricing. By creating a sense of urgency and mentioning that finance has tied your hands, you can leverage the competitor's price against Sastrify to drive down costs or secure better terms.
If the initial proposal includes longer terms, emphasize that finance is hesitant to commit without guaranteed ROI. Position the need for a month-to-month or short-term commitment to observe product performance, which provides leverage for negotiating a better rate.
As your user base grows, use this leverage to negotiate for reduced rates based on economies of scale. Highlight that with significant growth in users, your pricing expectations should lower per-user costs.
Propose to assist Sastrify in future case studies or as a reference in exchange for favorable pricing. This adds value for them and can be a strong negotiating tool for better terms.
Highlight the need to remove automatic renewal clauses from the contracts due to legal requirements, positioning it as a non-negotiable for moving forward.