Introduce competing alternatives during the negotiation process to leverage their pricing against SE Ranking. It's essential to mention that you are evaluating competitors to apply pressure for better pricing or terms. If a competitor has quoted a lower price, use that information to justify your request for a discount.
If your expected purchase involves a significant number of users, emphasize the potential for economies of scale when negotiating with SE Ranking. Communicate that growth should lead to lower per-user pricing and frame it as a fair expectation for a growing partnership.
Discuss the terms that might include overages and negotiate for their waiver during the initial purchase. Highlight your intentions of responsibly managing usage to avoid these additional fees. Emphasize that clear expectations around usage will minimize the need for overage charges.
Negotiate to remove the auto-renewal clause from the contract to maintain flexibility. This tactic will prevent automatic renewals and give your organization the opportunity to reassess the engagement before the renewal date.
If SE Ranking proposes a new feature as part of the offer, question the necessity of all upgrades unless they come at no additional costs. Make sure to highlight that many competitors may include similar features as standard functionality without premium pricing.
To propose a one-time discount upon signing the contract, leverage the fact that competitive pricing is key to your decision-making. Clearly state that the pricing must remain within budget considerations, and that you are willing to pursue alternatives if necessary.