Presenting competition as an alternative has been shown to yield better outcomes in negotiations. Highlight to the SolidWorks supplier that you are considering alternatives and specify that another competitor is quoting a significantly lower price for similar functionality. This tactic creates a sense of urgency and incentivizes the supplier to be more flexible in pricing and terms.
By insisting on removing auto-renewal from your contract due to finance and legal requirements, you can maintain greater control over future negotiations. This tactic underscores your desire for flexibility and can push the supplier to offer more favorable terms to secure your business now.
If SolidWorks has proposed a price increase upon renewal, this tactic focuses on negotiating against the uplift by anchoring your budget expectations lower than what they have proposed. Emphasize your further budget constraints and the market rates for similar solutions to push for a significant price reduction.
Review your current usage of SolidWorks and any other SolidWorks-related products with the intent to scope down if underutilization is evident. This tactic can be employed effectively when negotiating for a better rate or lower renewal costs, showcasing that you expect your usage to balance your pricing.
Utilize your role as a loyal customer by offering to serve as a reference or participate in a case study, creating value for SolidWorks in exchange for better pricing. This tactic reinforces the partnership and can lead to favorable pricing adjustments to encourage your participation.