Presenting competition during negotiations can significantly enhance your bargaining power. By showcasing that other vendors are offering lower prices for similar functionality, you create a sense of urgency for the current supplier to improve their offer. Highlight specific competitors and their pricing or added benefits as leverage to negotiate a better deal with SolidWorks.
Removing the auto-renewal clause from the contract can give you more control over your SaaS expenditures and flexibility in the negotiation process. Given the potential for future pricing changes, or if the current cost is higher than expected, highlighting this requirement can help streamline negotiations.
Argue against the proposed uplift by emphasizing your budget constraints. If you can show that your usage has not significantly changed, you can request that any uplift be removed completely. This strategy often meets with success, particularly if framed as a standard practice with other suppliers.
If you anticipate growth in your user base, make this clear during negotiations. Suppliers often provide better rates when the expected increase in volume is communicated as it builds a strong case for economies of scale.
If a proposed price increase includes a forced upgrade for security features that are not critical, push back on these costs. Highlight that other suppliers provide similar functionalities at no premium. This strategy addresses unnecessary uplift and positions you more favorably.