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$6,300$14,331per year
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Supernova is product development company that connects desings and engineering data in a single design system tool.


How much does Supernova cost?

Median buyer pays
per year
Based on data from 3 purchases.
Median: $13,500
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About Supernova

Supernova Overview

Supernova is product development company that connects desings and engineering data in a single design system tool.

Supernova's 1 Product

Supernova logo

Supernova is product development company that connects desings and engineering data in a single design system tool.

Vendr community insights for Supernova

Company with 201-1000 employeesA while ago
"The supplier advised that they do not negotiate the price of Enterprise under 50 seats. We wanted to use the Company plan for a few months until Enterprise was needed and got 50% discount on the plan as well as the first month free. We also secured Net 60 payment terms as well as having auto-renewal removed."

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