Introduce competition as a key lever in your negotiations. This tactic involves presenting quotes from competing vendors, stressing the differences in scope and pricing. By demonstrating that another vendor can fulfill your needs at a lower cost, you position yourself to negotiate for better terms and potentially reduced pricing from Swoogo. Make sure to share specific competitor offers and any additional value they bring to the table.
Discuss overage fees that may apply to your renewals or upgrades. Use this leverage when negotiating your contract, making it clear that overages must be addressed either through waivers, or that they should not apply to your contract given your usage history. Highlight the importance of predictable pricing that aligns with your company's budgeting practices.
Challenge the proposed uplift in the renewal pricing. By explaining that your budget does not accommodate the increase, you set the expectation that costs should remain stable or even decrease given your ongoing partnership and potential for growth. Use your established usage and past performance as leverage to justify a request for a flat renewal rate.
If you’re planning on reducing features or users in your upcoming renewal, this tactic allows you to argue against significant rate increases by framing your request as meeting budget limitations while also highlighting the reduced scope. Demonstrate how these changes align with other market offers to reinforce your position.
If you're considering expanding the number of users, this tactic emphasizes the necessity for economies of scale in pricing. Highlight how an increase in users can warrant a reduction in price per user, thereby securing better overall terms for your organization. With more users, the expectation is that the per-unit cost should decrease.
Emphasize the requirement from your finance department to eliminate auto-renewal clauses in the contract. This need stems from an organizational shift in how risks are managed during software renewals. By establishing this, you can strengthen your negotiation position for better terms while showcasing that flexibility is essential for successful contract management.