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$74,850$121,650per year
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Transvoyant is an AI-driven platform that provides comprehensive, real-time insights about your supply chain, enabling you to optimize planning, reduce costs, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. It uses automated measurement of behavior, flow, and risk to uncover hidden bottlenecks, provides real-time status updates, and leverages existing data and macro-level risk factors to give you a fully integrated view of your global supply chain.


About Transvoyant

Transvoyant Overview

Transvoyant is an AI-driven platform that provides comprehensive, real-time insights about your supply chain, enabling you to optimize planning, reduce costs, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. It uses automated measurement of behavior, flow, and risk to uncover hidden bottlenecks, provides real-time status updates, and leverages existing data and macro-level risk factors to give you a fully integrated view of your global supply chain.

Transvoyant's 1 Product

Transvoyant logo

TransVoyant is an AI-driven platform that offers actionable insights for optimizing supply chain flows and behaviors, helping businesses uncover hidden bottlenecks, reduce costs, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. The platform features real-time analytics, predictive decision-making, automated alerts, and a fully integrated view of global end-to-end supply chains, turning them into a continually improving competitive weapon.

Security and compliance

DPA available
SOC2 attestation
Annual penetration tests

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