Present competing quotes to leverage better pricing or terms. Make clear to UiPath that you are evaluating multiple options and have competitors quoting a lower price. You can mention exact figures proposed by competitors to strengthen your position.
Emphasize the need to eliminate auto-renewal clauses in your contract to allow for flexible negotiations next year and avoid being locked into unfavorable terms. This can be invoked as a current requirement from your finance team to facilitate ongoing negotiations.
If you are planning to expand your user base significantly, leverage this growth to negotiate for lower rates on each user. Make the argument that as you increase the number of licenses, your pricing should reflect economies of scale.
If UiPath has integrated any new security features, request that these be provided at no additional cost, especially if competing products include such features without premium pricing. This leverages competitive offerings to obtain better terms.
Negotiate the removal of any uplift provisions from your contract set against underutilization or stability in usage. Frame your argument that such increases are unfair given the current contract history and pricing structure.