Introducing alternate options during negotiations can significantly strengthen your position. Make it clear to WellSaid Labs that you are evaluating several AI voice platforms and quote a competing option that offers similar functionality at a lower rate. This tactic can prompt WellSaid Labs to consider reducing their pricing or providing additional value to keep your business.
Negotiate to have any overage fees waived, especially if you anticipate increased usage. This tactic helps you budget more predictably by ensuring that costs are locked and not subject to unexpected increases.
Insist on removing auto-renewal clauses from the contract, particularly as a condition for proceeding. Making it clear that your finance team requires the flexibility to evaluate pricing annually can create leverage to negotiate better terms.
During discussions around renewal, anchor your conversation around not accepting any price increase (uplift) due to the limitations or challenges in the past contracts. Emphasize that many suppliers, when expanding service, typically reward customers with stable pricing.
Leverage your willingness to act as a reference or participate in a case study as a value-add. This not only showcases your commitment to the vendor but can also create incentives for WellSaid Labs to provide you with better pricing or terms.