Vendr | 2021 TrendsVendr | 2021 Trends

2021 SaaS buying trends report

We recently hit $100M in SaaS savings for our customers, and our buying experts are sharing everything they learned along the way. Find out how our customers navigated software procurement in 2021 and what we anticipate for 2022.

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Inside our buyers' minds

The pandemic hangover and sticky SaaS

"Multi-purpose tools got really sticky in 2020, which made renewals tough to find leverage in 2021. With budgets ramping back up, customers didn’t seem too concerned about renewing the stickier SaaS, but it’s something to consider moving forward." – Preston Hull, Manager, Exec. Buying

Growth sprees mean messy SaaS buying

"It's somewhat like the wild west right now. 2020 everyone was hyper-focused on staying afloat amongst the uncertainty and only the absolute necessary purchases were happening whereas 2021 is the mad dash to catch up." – Gaby Bezilla, Sr. Exec. Buyer

Seller tactics mirror growth sprees

"Many suppliers provided one-time COVID discounts or were willing to throw in free products. Now, reps are trying to right-size those accounts. They’re also leveraging the fact that they did go out of their way during the peak of the pandemic to push uplifts." – Dan Coy, Sr. Exec. Buyer

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