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ChurnZero Pricing

ChurnZero's pricing is primarily based on the number of users, with prices typically ranging between $19,700 and $87,500. It's important to note that there was a recent 25% increase, however, the company provides discounts to counteract the impact.

Moreover, multi-year contracts come with discounted rates, potentially providing more value for long-term ChurnZero users. Remember that these estimates are subject to changes and it's always a best practice to contact the supplier directly for the most accurate pricing information.

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ChurnZero Negotiation Insights

ChurnZero is a Customer Success Platform for SaaS and subscription businesses. The product offers a wide spectrum of robust features for increasing customer retention. Inside the Vendr platform, you will find a number of negotiation levers and commercial items for ChurnZero, providing both discount-specific insights and efficiency metrics.

Discount Levers

One considerable discount lever for ChurnZero lies in multi-year contracts. From our records, we've seen discounts of up to 24% on Year 1 and 19% on Year 2 when negotiating for slightly longer terms.

Commercial Items

Our platform also provides insights into ChurnZero's commercial practices. For instance, there have been situations where despite a 25% price increase in a year, the company afforded substantial discounts to its clients. This gesture mitigated the effect of the price hike and actually increased user volume, ultimately resulting in remarkable savings for the users.

Remember, these are just glimpses of the negotiation insights Vendr provides for ChurnZero. To access the full range of negotiation insights for ChurnZero, sign up for a free forever Vendr account today.

Community Insights for ChurnZero

Gathering insights from the SaaS community can be incredibly valuable when considering a product like ChurnZero. Here are the two most recent insights shared by our community members:

  1. "Freed up seats previously used by email aliases for actual users + 3 additional seats included in the flat renewal due to support issues, now resolved." - Community Insight was posted 2 months ago.
  2. "We received a 24% discount on Year 1 and a 19% discount on Year 2 through signing a multi-year contract." - Community Insight was posted 2 months ago.

Learn more about how to leverage these insights and others by signing up for a free forever Vendr account. With your free account, you'll gain access to additional insights such as the estimated time to implement ChurnZero, what to expect for your renewal, and other discount levers that can be implemented if you're stuck during the negotiation process. Currently, there are a number of community insights available for ChurnZero that could help you make an informed decision.

ChurnZero Overview

ChurnZero is a robust customer success platform developed for subscription businesses to combat customer churn. Its real-time, customer-focused analytics empower businesses to understand how their users interact with their product and quickly identify at-risk accounts and champions. It provides businesses with reliable and actionable insights to enhance their customer success efforts.

ChurnZero's features include:

  • In-app customer experiences: Interact with customers directly within your application, and provide them with personalized, contextual help.
  • User and account health scoring: Utilize ChurnZero's advanced machine-learning algorithms to predict user and customer health.
  • Playbook automation: Trigger actions based on usage or milestone events, automating regular tasks, and scaling personalized communications.
  • Deep insights and reporting: Get a comprehensive view of customer health at both a macro and micro level, allowing proactive engagement before churn risk materializes.

ChurnZero provides seamless integration with a multitude of platforms like Shopify, Recharge, and BigCommerce, enhancing its data tracking capabilities and ensuring you have a 360-degree view of your customers' journey and engagement.

Compliance and Security

In terms of compliance and security, ChurnZero is committed to upholding the highest standards. The platform complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ensuring the secure and confidential handling of user data for businesses operating within the European Union.

The platform is also compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), meaning it follows strict guidelines to ensure the security of cardholder data. Furthermore, it adheres to the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Data Protection Act (DPA) regulations, further demonstrating its commitment to data security and privacy.

ChurnZero employs Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for enhanced account security. This security measure requires users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource such as an application or online account, ensuring that your data remains secure.

In addition, ChurnZero offers Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities. SSO allows users to use a single set of credentials to log in to multiple applications, enhancing user convenience without compromising security.

ChurnZero's commitment to compliance and rigorous security measures make it a safe and secure choice for businesses seeking to better understand, serve, and retain their customers.

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