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Community Insights for HiBob

Gathering insights from the community can be incredibly valuable when considering a SaaS product like HiBob. Here are the two most recent insights shared by our community members:

  1. "HiBob bills monthly for the number of employees that are actively paid, allowing the committed number of employees to be less than the billed number. This flexibility is beneficial as it accommodates fluctuating employee counts without paying for unused slots." - Community Insight was posted recently.
  2. "To secure a better rate for over 1000 users, we committed to a 3-year term with expected growth, which resulted in around a 30% discount after extensive negotiations with HiBob." - Community Insight was posted 1 month ago.

For more detailed insights and to learn from the experiences of others, we encourage you to sign up for a free forever Vendr account. By joining, you'll gain access to additional insights such as the estimated time to implement HiBob, what to expect for your renewal, and other discount levers that can be implemented if you're stuck during the negotiation process. Currently, there are several community insights available for HiBob that could guide you in making an informed decision.

Compare HiBob pricing vs. competitors

Avg Contract Value$89,857$30,004
Deals handled1779
Unique Purchasers1562
Avg Savings15.8%13.03%

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