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Tenable Pricing

Tenable offers two key products: and For, the price ranges vary based on headcount. With a headcount of 200, the pricing ranges from $12,700 to $25,500. For a headcount of 1,000, the pricing extends from $19,800 to $34,600. Furthermore, for a headcount surpassing 1,001, the pricing is estimated between $42,700 and $85,300.

For, a comprehensive security solution, the pricing is different. For a headcount of 200, the range is from $14,400 to $31,300. With a headcount of 1,000, the price reaches from $26,000 to $56,400, and when the headcount exceeds 1,001, the range goes from $37,100 to $92,000. These figures provide a clear perspective for prospective users when considering Tenable's solutions within their budget constraints.

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Tenable Negotiation Insights

Discount Levers

Tenable is aware of the competitive environment in which it operates. Referencing competitors such as Rapid7, SentinelOne, Wiz during negotiations may result in significant reductions in quoted prices.

Key Commercial Items

Keep in mind the importance of favorable payment terms. Suggest alternate payment schedules like semi-annual or quarterly. This can provide considerable cash flow benefits and can often be negotiated with the supplier.

To get more discount levers and commercial items to consider when negotiating your Tenable contracts, sign up for a free forever Vendr account. We have a plethora of negotiation insights available for Tenable in our platform.

Community Insights for Tenable

Gathering insights from the community can be incredibly valuable when considering a SaaS product like Tenable. Here are the two most recent insights shared by our community members:

  1. "We purchased through reseller, Saepio and was able to receive a more attractive rate on our 12-month renewal, rather than going direct to Tenable." - Community Insight was posted recently.
  2. "We were able to get a 7% price increase reduced to 3.5%." - Community Insight was posted 1 month ago.

These insights reflect the experiences of actual buyers and can provide a glimpse into the negotiation possibilities with Tenable. To delve deeper into the wealth of knowledge our community has to offer, we encourage you to sign up for a free forever Vendr account. By joining, you'll unlock additional insights such as the estimated time to implement Tenable, what to expect for your renewal, and other discount levers that can be implemented if you're stuck during the negotiation process. Currently, there are several community insights available for Tenable, each offering a unique perspective to help you make an informed decision.

Tenable Overview

Tenable, a leading cybersecurity company, provides extensive vulnerability management solutions through their key products:,, and Tenable Nessus.

As a comprehensive tool for cloud security challenges, caters to various needs of businesses. It presents a robust solution for a wide range of enterprises, with an average customer size of 800 and a solid retention rate of 55.74% which signifies strong customer satisfaction., formerly known as SecurityCenter, serves businesses with more complex cybersecurity needs. Offering solutions such as vulnerability management, attack surface management, and cloud security, it serves to a slightly larger average customer size of 900.

Tenable Nessus, another product under Tenable's umbrella, is a reputed vulnerability scanner adopted by various enterprises globally.

Tenable, classified under the IT & Security category as a cybersecurity tool, has achieved various market positions with each of their products. With obtaining a medium market share, demonstrating its strong presence in the cybersecurity field.

Compliance and Security

Pivotal to Tenable's offerings is their adherence to necessary compliance and security standards. The GDPR, ISO27001, and the DPA form the backbone of their regulatory compliances which should reassure businesses about their stringent data security practices.

Moreover, Tenable also implements advanced Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities that further enhance their security, facilitating secure yet convenient access for users across their platforms.

Lastly, the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) forms an essential part of Tenable's commitment, showcasing their alignment with global data protection norms and providing assurance about their adherence to data security regulations.

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