Vendr Presents

The SaaS Trends Report

Q2 2024
Data-backed insights to help you save time and money buying software.
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Welcome to Vendr’s Q2 SaaS Trends Report, where you’ll find data-backed insights to save time and money on software. For the first time, we also share day-to-day spending trends.

That’s because this report doesn’t just include data from Vendr; it also features Q2 spend data from Brex, who you probably know for their best-in-class corporate cards and expense management.

We’re excited to announce our new partnership with Brex to help companies save from intake to renewal. This report is just the beginning. Together, we’re offering the most advanced procurement solution on the market. Learn more about our partnership on the following pages.

Another exciting feature of this report is that when you click on a seller's name, you'll be taken directly to Vendr's Marketplace, where we’ll help you buy any product at a great price, fast and free of charge.

For now, let’s dive into the data. As always, feel free to email me your questions at

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The SaaS Leaderboard

Q2 2024

Check out the most frequently bought and renewed products on Vendr, organized by category popularity.  See who’s leading and who’s on the rise – based on transaction volume.





















Identity and Access Management

Customer Relationship Management Q224

Sales Intelligence and Engagement Q224

Data Science and Analytics Q224

Application Performance Monitoring Q224

Education and Learning Management System Q224

Job Marketplace and Recruiting Q224

IT Service Management Q224

Business Performance and Consulting Q224

Market and User Research Q224

Business Intelligence Q224

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Q224


First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Identity + Access Management
project management
Sales analytics
customer relationship management (crm)
sales intelligence and engagement
data science and analytics
video conferencing
Version Control
Application and Performance Monitoring (APM)
Education and Learning Management System (LMS)
Data Integration
Visual Design
Job Marketplace and Recruiting
IT Service Management
Business Performance and Consulting
Applicant Tracking
Market and User Research
Business Intelligence
Sales Acceleration
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Help Desk
* Denotes new addition to report this quarter
Denotes Vendr Verified Seller

Key Insights


Good news for emerging SaaS companies: twice as many new sellers entered our SaaS Leaderboard in Q2 compared to Q1. This quarter, 52% of the sellers on the SaaS Leaderboard are new quarter-over-quarter (QoQ), indicating significant opportunities for newcomers.


Purchase volume for this quarter’s top 25 categories decreased 37%, however, this doesn’t necessarily indicate a decline in SaaS buying. With the emergence of AI, new tools and categories are on the rise, including six new categories in the top 25 this quarter. This suggests that spending may be more evenly distributed across a broader range of categories, rather than being concentrated among top categories.


Identity and Access Management, Project Management and Cybersecurity continue to lead the pack. The top three categories from Q1 all reappeared in Q2.

Top Categories Dominate by Driving Efficiency and Compliance

The leading categories maintain dominance on the SaaS Leaderboard because they’re essential for driving efficiency and maintaining security and compliance. Additionally, sellers in these categories require significant time to implement and integrate, making users less likely to churn.

–  Taylor Arnold, Senior SaaS Consultant

Want help buying or renewing SaaS?
Vendr will ensure you’re getting a fair deal. Create your free Vendr account to check your pricing, get a personalized contract analysis, access to pricing benchmarks, and assistance completing your transaction without any headaches.

Top Net New Purchases By Volume

Key insights


Eight of this quarter’s sellers are new to the top 10, with LinkedIn and 1Password as the only two to make repeat appearances QoQ. This trend mirrors what we observed on the SaaS Leaderboard, indicating ample opportunity for newcomers.


The eight newcomers represent eight different categories. These categories range from consistently popular ones (Security and Project Management) to emerging priorities. For instance, LeanData is in Sales Acceleration — a category that surged 10+ spots in our Top Categories Based on Net New Purchases chart below.


QoQ, PagerDuty increased transaction volume on Vendr 300%, by far the largest increase among the top 10. This growth coincides with PagerDuty's recent announcement of 10% growth for the second consecutive quarter, driven by a renewed focus on enterprise and new AI capabilities.

Top Categories Based on Net New Purchases

These are the categories that buyers are rushing toward, signaling how the modern tech stack is evolving.
Vendr Q2 2023 SaaS Market Report Trends
(+/-) Numbers indicate quarter-over-quarter changes in ranking

Key insights


Only two of the top 10 sellers stayed the same QoQ, but 60% of top categories stayed in the top 25 for two consecutive quarters.


Seven of the top ten categories made repeat appearances QoQ, demonstrating the stickiness of categories at the top. Visual Design, Application Performance Monitoring, and Sales Analytics are new to the top ten this quarter.


Sixty percent of the top ten categories are integral to Go-to-Market strategy, while the remaining 40% address security and development.

Net New ACV Reaches Highest Peak in 6 Quarters

Annual Contract Value (ACV) represents the annual average price per software contract. Tracking ACV helps us identify shifts in pricing strategies from sellers and purchasing strategies from buyers.
Q2 2024
Q1 2024
Q4 2023
Q3 2023

Key insights


ACV increased less than 4% QoQ. However, the YoY increase is significant at 33%. Q2’s ACV is the highest quarterly ACV on Vendr since Q4 2022, when net new ACV was $29k.


Buying cycles for new products stayed flat QoQ but surged YoY. This quarter, it took buyers 16 days longer to purchase new software compared to the same period last year. Why the delay and increased price? AI’s impact. AI products are pricey and take 21% longer to buy. For more information on buying AI software, check out our June Monthly Software Report.

Net New Buying Cycle Sees 50% YoY Increase

Net new purchases took 50% longer this quarter than they did a year ago, when the buying cycle was 32 days.

AI Considerations Drive Longer Buying Cycles

AI has introduced complexities that are lengthening buying cycles. This is due to the need for deeper evaluation and feature testing, integration challenges, data security and privacy concerns, and training and adoption issues.

–  Kylie Wagner, Principal SaaS Consultant

Top 10 Products Based on Renewal Volume

Key insights


New purchases show where buyers are investing for the first time, while renewals highlight consistent favorites. Dominance is achieved when companies top both charts. This quarter, only LinkedIn and NetSuite achieved that.


The top new purchases list shows room for emerging sellers, while the top renewals list typically features repeat appearances. In fact, seven out of the top 10 renewed sellers were the same YoY. Last year in Q2, Carta, Figma, and ZoomInfo topped the renewals chart. This year, they were replaced by HubSpot, Okta, and Zendesk.


Seven of the top 10 sellers also made repeat appearances QoQ. New entries to the top 10 this quarter were Zendesk, NetSuite, and HubSpot.

These are the categories that buyers renew most, showing what types of software teams rely on most to help their businesses grow.
Vendr Q2 2023 SaaS Market Report Trends
(+/-) Numbers indicate quarter-over-quarter changes in ranking

Key insights


The top renewed categories reveal the most essential components of teams' tech stacks. Only 52% overlap with net new purchases this quarter.


One major category that didn’t make the list this quarter is Machine Learning and AI. Although this category has been in the top 25 for net new purchases for several consecutive quarters, it hasn’t yet made the top renewed list. Watch how AI’s stickiness evolves in the coming quarters.


The top 3 remained QoQ. If you’re not yet investing in Identity and Access Management, Cybersecurity and Project Management, now’s the time.

Annual Contract Value (ACV) represents the annual average price per software contract. Tracking ACV helps us identify shifts in pricing strategies from sellers and purchasing strategies from buyers.
Q2 2024
Q1 2024
Q4 2023
Q3 2023

Key insights


Renewal ACV has remained relatively flat for the last year. This quarter, it decreased slightly QoQ and YoY, indicating that buyers have an advantage in renewal pricing right now. Our advice? If you're renewing software, don't be shy to negotiate.


Buyers renewed software 23% faster this quarter, compared to the last quarter, when renewal buying cycles spiked to 69 days. The Q2 figure aligns more closely with typical renewal buying cycles, while last quarter’s increase likely reflected more cautious buyers.

Renewal Buying Cycles Increase 10% YoY

This quarter, renewing software took five days longer than purchasing new software. We always recommend starting renewals as early as possible.

Market Shift Empowers Buyers to Negotiate Lower Prices

In recent years, buyers have faced unprecedented price increases, prompting finance teams to scrutinize software and eliminate non-essential products. As a result, sellers are not seeing the guaranteed revenue they once forecasted, and a greater number of accounts are now marked as at-risk. This shift has created a buyer's market, allowing many buyers to negotiate lower-priced contracts.

–  Maddie Mantle, Principal SaaS Consultant

Brex Partnership

Control Spend from Intake to Renewal

For most of us, controlling spend is more important than ever.

That’s why Vendr and Brex are stronger together. Vendr helps you save money on software, while Brex empowers you to manage your day-to-day expenses. Together, you’ve got complete control from intake to renewal.

Brex Spotlight: Day-to-Day Purchasing Trends

Brex’s Q2 spend data reveals where companies are allocating daily operational expenses on corporate cards and how spending patterns are shifting in these categories.

Key insights


T&E spending is up 13%, with increases in 100% of its subcategories, meaning employees spent more on groceries, airlines, lodging, restaurants, food delivery, fuel and rideshares than they did last quarter. T&E is typically one of the first areas companies cut back on when reducing expenses. An increase in T&E expenses suggests that companies are loosening their wallets after several years of stringent budget controls.


Shifts in spending may also reflect how companies are investing in remote versus in-office teams. Decreased spending in facilities, shipping, and office supplies likely points to the rise in remote work.


Software spend on Brex was flat this quarter, closely mirroring Vendr’s data, which showed a 3% decrease in renewals and a 4% increase in net new purchases.

T&E surges, accounting for 40% of company expenses

Nearly half of companies’ day-to-day spending was spent on groceries, airlines, lodging, restaurants, food delivery, fuel and rideshares.

Data provided by
Vendr and Brex: Experience the Ultimate Procurement Solution
Brex customers are eligible for 12 months of free access to Vendr Premium Procurement. If you’re already Brex customer, click the button below to unlock free access to Vendr’s industry-leading intake-to-procure solution. Not a Brex customer yet? Get the best price on Brex by requesting a private offer.

Top 10 Vendr Verified Net New Purchases

Vendr Verified is the only buyer protection program that helps you buy the best products at the best prices, without the games. Buyers are relying on us to purchase these popular products with added benefits.

Key insights


This quarter, 19 new sellers joined the Vendr Verified program. Of those new sellers, Okta, NetSuite and Intercom made this quarter’s Top 10.


Vendr Verified sellers also appeared on our top 10 net new purchase and renewal charts. When you’re buying from Vendr Verified sellers, unlock your Vendr Verified benefits to take advantage of our Great Price Guarantee, now available for 100+ top sellers.

Vendr Verified Purchases Close 35% Faster

In Q2, Vendr Verified purchases closed 35% faster compared to the average buying cycle for a new purchase, which was 48 days.

The SaaS Badge of Excellence: Get Vendr Verified
Software buyers look for sellers they can trust. Join Vendr Verified to boost your credibility, increase your win rates, and enhance your brand visibility. Click the button below, and a member of our team will contact you to start the Vendr Verified process.

How to Control Spend

Spend is increasing this summer, but yours doesn't have to. Brex and Vendr help manage your spend from intake to renewal. We asked our leaders: What’s your top tip to control spend for your organization?

Are you trying to just control spend, or are you trying to empower your teams to spend responsibly? The Rule of X says it’s twice as important to enable growth as it is to control spend alone. The best CFOs will use financial tools and systems like Brex to control spend and keep it within guardrails, while giving CMOs (and other leaders) better visibility into their budgets.

–  Ben Gammell, Brex CFO

Proactively tracking agreements and engaging procurement early are two of the best ways to control spend. If you wait until the contract end date is around the corner to start negotiations, the seller knows they have an advantage, because you don’t have time to explore other options. Engaging early allows you to review usage and right-size the agreement, examine your tech stack for consolidation, secure competitive pricing, and ultimately negotiate the best terms.

–  Maria Perez, Vendr Sr. Procurement Ops Specialist

Simplify! Before you create another procurement rule to get a handle on spend, walk through the whole process as an employee. How many steps do they have to take to buy something compliantly at this point? How much time could each step take, and how might this slow the business down while teams wait for their needed purchase to be approved?

–  Erik Zhou, Brex SVP, Chief Accounting Officer

At Vendr, we treat every renewal like a new purchase. Our intake for every workflow asks a key list of questions including: ‘Why can't this need be solved more cheaply or with something we already have?’ and ‘What priority is this for your function over the next 12 months?’ You would be surprised how many times all parties agree there is no longer a business case.

–  Lucas Brown, Vendr SVP, Finance and Operations

Final Thought

Vendr has partnered with thousands of sellers and customers to process 40k+ software transactions. These transactions form the foundation of this report.

And, our dataset is expanding rapidly. Earlier this year, we made Vendr free. Now, you can access our pricing intelligence and procurement platform at no cost, and get expert assistance from our team when buying software through our marketplace. On average, transactions on Vendr’s marketplace save $14,000 or about 15%.

If you're looking to control your spend this summer, Vendr can support you every step of the way. Need help with your next purchase? Sign up here or email me at