Emphasizing the removal of auto-renewal helps maintain negotiation leverage for future terms. Highlight any internal requirements from finance/legal to ensure you control the renewal timing, allowing for complete review and negotiation on terms before renewing.
When you anticipate significant growth, emphasize your need for economies of scale. Stress your budget requirement to achieve lower rates as your user base expands. If you fail to find a resolution, communicate the intent to explore alternative solutions.
Presenting competitive offers from alternate suppliers can drastically improve your negotiation position. If a competitor provides a similar service at a lower price or with added features, communicate this during discussions to advocate for a better deal with Bizzabo.
Clients that create a strong budget requirement to remove projected uplifts have seen great results. Stressing that a budget increase was not accounted for uplift charges will put you in a strong position to advocate for a more financially favorable arrangement.
Offering case study participation or acting as a reference in exchange for discounts can create a compelling value exchange. Ensure to clarify your commitment as contingent on reaching favorable pricing or terms.