secures your paid marketing, on-site conversion, data & analytics from bots and invalid users as a leader in go-to-market security.
CHEQ Sign-up & Lead Protection (SLP) is a comprehensive solution that provides protection against automated and malicious human actors from abusing your website’s form fill flows. Part of CHEQ’s On-Site Security solution, SLP uses sophisticated methods to validate the authenticity of users filling out forms, signing up, or creating new accounts. The solution can be activated in two modes: blocking or data enrichment, allowing you to either block the user in real-time, or allow them in your funnel while adding CHEQ’s analysis data to their profile.
Secure your data and analytics, on-site conversion, and paid marketing from bots and invalid users with CHEQ, the leading Go-to-Market Security platform.
Secure your data and analytics, on-site conversion, and paid marketing from bots and invalid users with CHEQ, the leading Go-to-Market Security platform.
Secure your paid marketing, on-site conversion, data & analytics from bots and invalid users, with the leader in Go-to-Market Security.