Introducing competition into your negotiation can provide leverage. Inform the supplier that you are actively considering other vendors for similar products and specify their offers, including pricing and features. This tactic helps to drive down costs and improve terms, leveraging the competitive landscape to your advantage.
When facing a price increase on renewal, emphasize your budget constraints and negotiate for the elimination of uplifts. Stress that you were not expecting an uplift, especially given the consistent value provided by the service. This tactic can help secure a more favorable pricing structure moving forward.
Request to remove any automatic renewal clauses in the contract. This gives the company more control and flexibility over future negotiations. Stress that this is a new requirement from your finance/legal teams to avoid being bound into parts of the contract without further discussion.
Offering to serve as a reference or participate in a case study can create additional value in negotiations. It positions your partnership as strategic for the vendor and often can be exchanged for better pricing or terms. Ensure that any agreement is documented as a formal part of your contract terms.
Engage in discussions around cost reduction based on usage levels. If your organization is not fully utilizing all offered features, use this to negotiate a decrease in price. Offer that you are considering utilizing fewer features as a basis for your negotiation, allowing for a tailored approach suited to your needs.